No... this is not a sighting of an unidentified flying object! Remember my initial posting about UFO? It is the term used by most crafters to refer to the stash of unfinished object.. HA HA
So this is my UFO #1 - my first try on knitting. At that time, I originally bought a box of knitting kit for the eldest princess. Rows of toy trucks, lorries and cars usually caught her immediate attention at the toy store. I guess by buying a knitting kit for her, I could make her see more feminine choices *wink*
I didn't realize that it was me, actually, who had the interest on knitting. As I sat there trying to figure out how to knit by following the given instruction and pattern, the princess finally lost her interest and was nowhere to be seen. In the end, it was me experimenting the kit (and not her!)... not a totally bad experience for me, but with a very limited reference, the only thing that I can get is a UFO!
... it was supposed to be a ladybird... Yeah, I can change colour, but that's it... Well.. that was almost a decade ago - I'm different now; with Mr Google by my side, I can knit better... thee he he... wait for more finished *knitted* project!