Thursday, December 24, 2009

How about a little something... for the kitchen

I was surfing the Internet one day when I stumbled upon a crochet pattern that I usually save onto the HDD, but will be on the later-to-do list. But this one caught my attention immediately... the end product is really cute!

This is supposed to be a pot-holder, but since it is so adorable... my little princess claimed that this is hers. What I crocheted here is a modification of the original pattern. It was done in single crochet (sc) around, but instead of crocheting 2 x the bear head (and later assembled together) I used 2 yarns and a bigger crochet needle for the head. I then changed to smaller needle for the nose and ears, but again, the ears were crocheted in half-circle (my way to cut down the total cost esp. time needed) and stitched to the bear's head. I used black yarn for the eyes and the nose... and here's what I get:

... the adorable potholder that you might think twice to use on a hot pot!


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